sábado, 25 de setembro de 2004

Em busca do herói perdido...

Se isto não é obsessão, não sei o que será. Mas tenho obsessões piores por isso não faz mal.

Do you really know the real Vampire Lestat?
brought to you by Quizilla


Wow! You are a Vampire Lestat Genius!! What do you do when you read the novel, take notes? Keep on learning more about Lestat!! May the Vampire Lestat be with you!

Who Are You? Lestat, Marius, Louis, or Armand (with pictures) Find Out Now
brought to you by Quizilla


You are the Vampire LESTAT. What ever you do you want everyone to know it, no matter how bad it is. You love the spotlight and the attention of others. YOU LOVE TO LIVE IN THE LIGHT!!!

Which Anne Rice vampire is your ideal companion? (With pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla


Lestat de Lioncourt is your ideal companion, lucky you! But he's amazing and he knows it so make sure you worship him to keep him happy and whatever you do don't desert him, he always feels alone so show him that he isn't.

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